Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OK HERE GOES...............

I've been tagged by my cousin Mary, over at the Shaughnessy Family blog.

Rules for the “Five Random Facts”:Each player starts with five random facts/habits/stories about themselves. Anything will do. Be creative. The person who is tagged needs to write a post on their own blog (about their five things) and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose one person to get tagged and list their name/blog. Don’t forget to leave a comment on their blog telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

Ok this has taken me forever to do not only because im so busy but because what could people not know about ME!! I had know idea what to write so im gonna start with my own scary time when my oldest son was born... Richard was born @ 29 weeks and barely wieghed 3lbs. One really snowy day i woke up and was having contractions so i went to the hospital and sure enough i was in labor when the doctor "checked me" she said there were 2 very tiny feet sticking thru my cervix and I was ready. The hospital in my town didnt have a NICU so my mom and i were taken by ambulance in about 3 feet of snow (the scariest drive ever!!) to Nashua which is about 2 towns over to Southern NH Med Ctr. where i met my ob/gyno who has now delivered all of my babies..... We were extremely scared because as we all know the risks with premature babies so they tried to stop my labor for a week it was the longest week ever and i was in labor the entire time. so finally on sat march 10 2001 they decided they had to take him by c section (he was breach) so they did and unbelievably he came out breathing on his own (which was a huge deal and there biggest worry) he was this very very tiny person that noone could hold and spent 4 weeks in an incubator. the worst part of all this was going home from that hospital with no baby........... i am tearing up right now just talking about it. Thank god (and i do every time i look at his face!!) he was fine and just had to gain some wieght eat on his own and have no apnea spells he could go home which took 4 vey long weeks and most of you know i took him home the day before my baby shower!! so the doctors say now you would never know he was a preemie (hes the shortest one in his class and still a very small kid but a huge eater!!). And how about I got pregnant with Juliana almost before Richard should have even been born....... Crazy!!
these pics arent the greatest but here goes...

OK the next thing about myself is i absolutely hate food on a bone it turns my stomach and its not because I like animals and feel bad for them becuase just like my cousin Jeannie I hate animals especially dogs when they come near me i cringe and want to swear.
but just the thought of putting a chickens leg any where near my mouth disgusts me i like chcken and will eat it just never from the bone so no ribs or wings or really anything messy i have to touch with my hands. which brings me to my next random fact i have a hard time using spoons to eat i just dont lile them i love ice cream but would prefer to use a plastic spoon. And I especially hate soups and chowders. its a texture thing i cant put liquid and chunk in my mouth at the same time its so groooooooooosssssssssss!!!
So ive said alot about myself lets see if i can come up with one more..............
ok heres one that i really had to think about and dont want to freak my mom or anyone else out but before rich and i got married him and i were what you would call a "booty call" he would go with his friends i would go with mine and when it was convienient we would "hook up" no strings it was great ...............oooooohhhhhhhhhhh have we come a long way!!!! I know ma thats gross!!
So thats all i got so who should i tag now.......................LISA its all u!!!


Katie said...

ha ha kim

that was great!
BOOOTY CALL!!!!! Auntie B will be upset that her virginal daughter ever had premarital experiences! ☺

I didn't know that about the baby either. What a nice/heartfelt factoid!

Jemmmma said...

HAHAHA That was SO good. Booty call is the best random fact of all. I love it!

Lisa said...

omg...i can't believe you wrote the last are craze!!! I don't think i can top that!!!

Mary S. said...

I was all teared up about your story about Richard. I keep picturing two little feet sticking out of your hoohoo!haha! Maybe from all the booty calls from Rich he just slipped out!haha! Sorry Auntie Barbara, I shouldn't have gone there!
I think the part of hating spoons is more weird than anything else!You are a freak!
Good job! Can't wait for Lisa's!

Kelli said...

Sooo funny!
LOL about liquid and chunk in your mouth! Spoon?!?! Never heard of someone who had a problem w/ one!
Booty call!!!! You are a NUT! You must have been a grrrreat booty call~he married you!

Katie said...

Kim, This is your mother.
You're in big trouble!

Kelli said...

Poor Kim...grounded 'til she's 40!

Tressa said...

yo kim,

wanna play javelin together on sunday?
my place or yours?

Lisa said...

where are you ?!?!

Katie said...


I didn't know that you had carpal tunnel again, causing you to be unable to blog.

sucks to be you. well, more like it sucks to be me because I want a new post!